Parada de Atauta Magnum
Fine Ink
Stop of Atauta Magnum is a red wine of D.O. C Ribera del Duero elaborated by Dominio de Atauta. It was born with the intention of showing the concentration, complexity and potential of the grapes and vineyards of the area while being an understandable wine for all.
The wine is made from a selection of very old vineyards, looking for vineyards located on sandy terrain and with Boulder, providing better maturation and greater fruit intensity. It is made of concrete and stainless steel tanks. Malolactic fermentation takes place in wooden tubs and then passes into casks to grow old for 12 months.
Atauta Magnum Stop Tasting note
Atauta Magnum Stop is cherry-coloured. Delicate and powerful at the same time. Aromas of red and black fruits, with balsamic notes (licorice), Picotas and Mocha. In fresh and meaty mouth at the same time, with a good concentration of ripe red and black fruit, all this accompanies.