Parajes de Callejo 2021 Magnum
Fine Ink Albillo Real
Parajes de Callejo is a red wine produced by Bodegas Felix Callejo with Tinta Fina and Albillo Mayor in the D.O. Ribera del Duero.
The harvest is characterised by being of great quality and very typical in Ribera del Duero. Although rainfall was scarce, it was well distributed in winter, spring and June. Winter temperatures were not excessively cold, which favoured a slightly earlier bud break than usual, towards the end of April.
Harvesting began in late September and early October. The quality of the grapes is excellent, with small bunches and a great balance between sugar and acidity.
Tasting notes for Parajes de Callejo Magnum
It has an attractive cherry colour with a violet rim. On the nose, very aromatic, marked notes of fruits of the forest, with hints of confectionery, balsamic. The palate is fleshy, lively, with sensations of berries, cinnamon, spices, violets, balsamic and persistent primary finish.