Ramón Bilbao Crianza 2020 375 ml 3/8
Ramón Bilbao Crianza 375 ml is a classic wine from La Rioja MADE by Bodegas Ramón Bilbao, a winery that has more than a century of history.
Ramón Bilbao Crianza is a monovarietal made with grapes from the Tempranillo variety, a variety typical of La Rioja, from several plots.
Ramón Bilbao Crianza performs a 14 month ageing in American oak casks. Once aging is finished, it rests for 8 months in a bottle before going on the market.
Ramón Bilbao Crianza is a classic in La Rioja. Fruity, balanced and perfectly tuned by the work done with the oak casks.
Tasting notes of Ramón Bilbao Crianza 375 ml.
Ramón Bilbao Crianza is a dark cherry red color, practically garnet.
In the nose, noble Woods stand out. Coconut and pepper on a pleasant background of black fruits next to balsamics.
In the mouth it is a fresh, harmonious wine. Very fruity. Middle step with good acidity and something present tannins.