Sangria Tinta Queca is a sangria made from Tempranillo grapes. A fine, fresh and elegant sangria.
This drink represents in a very faithful way the Spanish Way of Living, a concept that sums up perfectly the values of this brand. With a surprising fruity taste and light touches of cinnamon and pepper, this sangria aims to recover already forgotten artisan tendencies and a daring lifestyle, which is identified with culture, design and urban leisure. Attributes that fit perfectly with the current generation of committed, cosmopolitan and authentic young people who define our society.
Queca Ink Tasting Note
Sangria Ink Queca has a surprising fruity flavor and light touches of cinnamon and pepper, this sangria aims to recover already forgotten artisan trends and a daring lifestyle, which identifies with culture, design and leisure. It is cosmopolitan, so you have to take it with lime, cranberry juice and orange liqueur.