strawberry gin gilkon's - comprar strawberry gin gilkon's - ginebra de fresa

Strawberry Gin Gilkon's

• Available in 5 days
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Strawberry Gin Gilkon's is a strawberry gin, the perfect fusion between strawberry and gin, to get a drink that falls in love. Gilkon's Pink is pure passion.

Strawberry Gin Gilkon's Tasting Note

Strawberry Gin Gilkon's is of an attractive pink crystalline color. The nose predominates the strawberry aroma, highlighting the special touch of the native juniper of the Sierra de Mariola and the aroma of ripe citrus. In the mouth is clean, with the strawberry very present, perceiving the juniper and lightly cilantro.


Comments (1)
4/24/20, 2:50 AM
By Paquita

la tenia que conocer

como ya conocia a su hermana mas clasica gilkons, tenia que probar esta version de fresa y no me defraudo para nada sigue la linea de calidad de su antecesora.

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