Mazuelo tempranillo
La Rioja Alta S.A. Launches the first vintage of this wine that has become the successor to the old Viña Arana Reserva and that will complement its prestigious range of long-aging wines, also made up of its Gran Reserva 890 and its Gran Reserva 904. Viña Arana Gran Reserva, from own vineyards of more than 40 years located in Rodezno and Fuenmayor, it is a vibrant, tasty and elegant wine intended for the new generation of wine lovers eager to enjoy traditional style Riojas adapted to new trends. This first vintage, which has aged for 3 years in 267 American oak barrels of our own manufacture
Un gran vino, con todas las características de un magnifico Rioja, potente, sedoso, fino, con un punto justo de madera y que no deja de sorprenderte a medida que la botella va llegando a su fin.